Belgian oil tanker group CMB.TECH has signed an agreement with Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) and MOL Chemical Tankers (MOLCT) for ...
The ammonia gas, having a lower molecular weight than the hydrogen chloride, will diffuse faster and travel a greater length of the tube. Consequently, the white ring of ammonium chloride will form ...
The metal ions make nodes that bind the linkers' arms to form a repeating structure ... introduce the ammonia gas, which causes one of the sites to be occupied by an ammonia molecule.
Ammonia is added to solutions of cobalt, nickel, and copper 2+ cations. First formation of the hydroxide precipitate is seen, then of the ammonia complex. Pour 0.1M solutions of Cu2+, Co2+, and Ni2+ ...
Researchers developed a sustainable electrosynthesis method for NH3 from NO, achieving ampere-level current density in a pressurized electrolyzer.
Active sites are voids, particularly anion vacancies in the three-dimensional structure of catalysts ... environmentally friendly and effective method of creating ammonia, a necessary chemical. As the ...