Atmospheric nitrogen, with the aid of an iron catalyst, reacts with hydrogen to produce ammonia. That reaction produces lots of ammonia – worldwide production is 160 million tons every year.
New research suggests tiny electrical charges in water droplets could have fueled the chemical reactions that led to life.
A chemical found in the atmosphere around an exoplanet that leads researchers to believe the planet may harbor life is called ...
The ICSE Class 10 Chemistry exam is one of the most important exams for students aiming to excel in science. Understanding ...
Once hydrogen is separated and recovered, it can be combined with various catalytic reactions to synthesize useful and easy-to-handle chemicals and fuels (e.g., CO 2 to methane, nitrogen to ammonia, ...
Manure from the cows owned by dairy farmer Raymond Goggin produces about 1,000 tonnes of slurry every winter, and this year's ...