On certain days when Bernard felt energetic, he said he would try and entertain the class while posing by mimicking Roman statues or reading his Kindle on stage. “I’d have my arms stretched like I was ...
The twins made sure to take pictures after the attack as evidence they were assaulted by fellow students. One of the girls suffered a bloody nose, bruises on her face and a swollen eye.
The college student who went viral for her mugshot earlier this month has been arrested again. This time, she’s been charged with obstruction of a law enforcement officer and loitering/prowling.
while he was a part-time student. That same year, he procured an indecent act from another girl, who was aged 13 at the time, by having her pose in lingerie for him in a photoshoot.
[Girls Rolling Backpacks Wide Application]The lovely kids rolling school backpack is ideal for various occasions like school, travel, hiking and camping ,tourism.This cute elementary student ...
A TEEN girl drowned while on a holiday celebrating her A Levels as her family paid tribute. Afaf Ahmed, 18, was described as "beautiful, bright and talented" by her devastated mum Dr Hanan Abdelaziz.