The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) has added several "untranslatable" words, including 'gigil,' a Tagalog term describing intense cuteness. These new ...
If you are stressed out by today's "Connections" game, then Newsweek has some helpful hints to get you back on track.
Greek is ranked as the richest language in the world with 5 million words and 70 million word types. It is well-known that ...
The Oxford English Dictionary added 42 new words borrowed from other languages, including gigil, a Tagalog expression for ...
Newly added Philippine words include videoke, a karaoke-like pastime with a scoring system, and salakot, a wide-brimmed, ...
Now imagine that same moment of struggle – but instead of a classroom, it’s a hospital emergency room, a courtroom, or a disaster relief center. Imagine being told, “in En–glish,” while trying to get ...
I am not suggesting that the merely singular “they” be capitalized. “A person can’t help Their birth” is unnecessary, because there is no ambiguity involved. However, with the new usage, where “they” ...
It can be hard to describe that feeling of being overcome by the unbearable cuteness of a fluffy little cat or a ...
Taken from the Philippines' Tagalog language, gigil is a "feeling so intense that it gives us the irresistible urge to ...
Peals of raucous laughter rang out in a classroom at Divine Word College in Epworth on Wednesday, as six learners hailing from various countries attempted to explain ...
This kernel of language developed not only from English, French, Spanish, and German, but also Russian, Armenian, Albanian, ...
Yoh: A popular South African interjection, which the OED traced to 1855. It comes from two South African languages: Afrikaans ...