Manhattan Seed Swap will be on Sunday, Feb. 16. Bring seeds or just yourself to the Flint Hills Discovery Center between 1 and 4 p.m.
Give your garden a head start by starting your seeds indoors. When your last frost date rolls around, you'll have seedlings ...
Take the guesswork out of seed planting with this foolproof trick to get the right sowing depth–for strong, healthy starts ...
As a dedicated gardener, one of the greatest joys is watching your plants thrive and multiply effortlessly. Imagine having a ...
Minnesota has been conducting experiments to see whether planting pollinator-attractive flowers like borage can improve ...
New this year is a planned expansion of a rebate program for homeowners implementing rain barrels and gardens, permeable ...
Spiraea can be a real problem solved in clay soils and helps control erosion. Winter is the ideal time to plant the seeds of many flowering annuals and perennials, including wildflowers. Wildflowers ...
Gardeners pass the winter months spending more time inside, giving our minds and hands projects that keep us thinking green ...
Here's what it costs to grow your own seedlings instead of buying garden starts from your local nursery or hardware store.
Ask the Gardener offers tips on lighting, the proper soil mix, and watering to ensure your plants get off to their early and ...