Bill Shufelt and John Walker, co-founders of Milford-based Athletic Brewing Company, joined CT Mirror for 'This Could Work.' ...
CT Mirror State Policy Editor Erica E. Phillips sat with Bill Shufelt and John Walker of Milford's Athletic Brewing Company ...
Two Connecticut businesses are ranked under the the world’s 50 most innovative companies of 2025. Budderfly in Shelton is ...
So, what makes Athletic Brewing so unique? It's revolutionizing non-alcoholic beer and sparking water while giving millions ...
Milford-based Athletic Brewing and Shelton-based Budderfly have made Fast Company's World’s 50 Most Innovative Companies of ...
Milford-based Athletic Brewing, the leading brewer of non-alcoholic beer in the U.S., has donated more than $6 million to hiking trail rehabilitation and other conservation projects in the U.S ...
Shelton-based Budderfly, a provider of energy-management services, ranked No. 25, while Milford-based nonalcoholic-beer maker Athletic Brewing Co., placed No. 32. In its profile of Budderfly ...