The large hind limbs, bright colors, and long, tapered, white-tipped tail identify the woodland jumping mouse. The 115-160 mm (4.5-6.3 in), sparsely-haired tail, grayish brown above, and white below ...
Astronauts hoping to minimize the health risks of long space trips to Mars or the moon should say no to the treadmill and do jumping exercises instead, according to new research from the U.S. that ...
Australia. Driving back at night to their home in Gilgandra, around 430 kilometers northwest of Sydney, they saw masses of white spots moving across the dark road surface. The spots, they soon ...
That common name isn’t for nothing: New Mexico meadow jumping mice are amazing jumpers. Pushing off their big hind feet while keeping balance with their long tails, they can leap as far as 3 feet.
The study, which shows knee cartilage in mice grew healthier following jumping exercises, appears in the journal npj Microgravity. “Since the next step in human exploration of space is going to ...