As baby boomers continue to retire in droves, they are likely to consider downsizing their living arrangements to accommodate their new lifestyles. While they have the highest portion of wealth ...
Baby Boomers have been called the “luckiest generation”, and when it comes to home ownership, this title is even more appropriate. But how did the Baby Boomers come to own so many homes?
Baby boomers are retiring in greater numbers, with the oldest members of the generation poised to turn 80 years old in 2025. The topline takeaway is that warmer climates continue to rule.
As baby boomers were working, there was a far more robust pension system, which was a clear sign of the times as companies wanted to take better care of their employees and keep them around for life.
SmartAsset ranked 267 of the largest U.S. cities based on the percentage of the population represented by incoming baby boomers. As baby boomers continue to retire in droves, they are likely to ...
Find Out: How Much Should the Average Middle-Class Baby Boomer Have in Savings? Read Next: 8 Common Mistakes Retirees Make With Their Social Security Checks It can be disheartening for that to happen.
Baby Boomers and seniors now spend more time online than watching television, according to a report by Ipsos and Google. On average, seniors and Boomers (defined in the report as those age 45 or older ...
Baby Boomers are reaching the traditional retirement age of 65 in unprecedented numbers, with 30.4 million Americans doing so between 2024 and 2030 alone. This year, we’ve reached the peak of ...
Baby boomers have been getting some of the blame for the shortage of larger homes on the market. Many of them are resistant to downsizing — opting to age in place in homes that have exploded in ...
Many baby boomers are struggling with rising home repair costs, insurance premiums, and property taxes while also facing a ...