An air contrast barium enema is a test for your colon. These days, doctors don’t use it as often to look for colorectal cancer. Instead, it’s more common to get a colonoscopy, which can find ...
He sent me for a barium X-ray examination - you swallow a ... in the anaesthetic room and being told that I would have a nasty taste in my mouth and would feel tingling in my head as the injection ...
Sulphuroted hydrogen, sulphate of lime solution, or chloride of barium introduced into a solution ... a very unpleasant odor and disagreeable taste. It is often largely adulterated by the addition ...
Inhaled anesthetics differ in their pungency (a pungent agent is characterized by a sharp or acrid taste or odor) and tendency to irritate the airways. In a double-blind study, 81 patients who ...