Between all of the Marvel offerings, Warner Bros. Animation became invested in television far more than it had in the past, ...
S till recognized as one of the greatest interpretations of the Caped Crusader, even three decades after its debut, Batman: The Animated Series helped to redefine the portrayal of ...
A t this point, saying Mark Hamill is the definitive Joker is as redundant as saying Kevin Conroy is the definitive Batman. While every Bat-fan has their favorite performance of b ...
Batman: The Animated Series makes no secret its inspiration from Hollywood’s classic noir era ... “Perchance to Dream” finds Wayne waking up after a night of crime-fighting to find all he could want.
Batman is DC’s most popular character, and one of the most well-known characters in pop culture, period. Since his debut in ...
We don't know yet what makes Mike Flanagan's 'Clayface' script so impressive, but it might borrow from extended Batman lore.