One of President James Monroe's Virginia estates is up for sale and the family that owns the property wants to make it a ...
It was frigid out, and so icy that all over town pedestrians were tumbling. But on the 35th floor of the Millennium ...
Act of outraging public decency - common law. On July 11, 2024, at Bodmin in a public place committed an act outraging public ...
Absent an actual proposal from the White House or congressional Republicans, a policy expert mapped out specific ...
Pickering Town Council is organising a Beacon Lighting Ceremony to commemorate the 80th anniversary of VE Day on the evening of 8th May 2025 ...
Due process is a fundamental core of what makes America a shining beacon on the hill. Recent detainments and deportations ...
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Moving to Pennsylvania in 2019, my social circle was more of a straight line, and so began two plus years of “Sunday driving, ...
CELEBRATE WOMEN. Burlington female-owned businesses like Velvet Monarch and Still Knot a Phase will have pop-up boutiques at ...
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