I knew it was the right time to write about irises when someone in a local group posted a wheelbarrow full of them with the message: Hi, I’m lifting bearded irises. They’re free, just take them! Mauve ...
Also known as the Peruvian lily, this flower has a similar petal structure and striking patterns to some iris varieties. Freesias offer a fragrant, trumpet-shaped bloom that resembles irises, ...
It may be a while before irises blossom in her yard, but Shirley Dicus has found a way to enjoy the beautiful blooms throughout the year.
It is safe to say that everybody likes snapdragons. Children appreciate your making puppets out of them. Pinch the ...
Can you identify the two common irises of Marin County? Douglas iris (Iris douglasiana) and ground iris (Iris macrosiphon) brighten our spring wildflower walks. Douglas iris has two cream ...
Peonies burst into life in spring, marking the beginning of our borders' best months. Dramatic as they are, the big blooms pair well with a number of flowers. For a truly splendid springtime display ...
In late winter or early spring, if you find yourself hiking in Israel in the northern Negev Desert, you are likely to encounter a fair share of Yeroham irises. These are dwarf bearded irises ...
Plant them at the front of a border, in grass or in pots. Be careful – they spread easily. The bearded iris is a popular, tall-growing iris, bearing flamboyant blooms over sword-like foliage from May ...