Discord users should still maintain best practices when it comes to personal security, following the tips below to protect their accounts when using the service or any third-party services.
Emily Anthes is a science reporter who writes Pet Theory, a column about our creature companions. When my husband and I took our cat to the vet early last year, we were hoping to hear that we had ...
the reward for bongo cat‘s demo players. The Bongo Cat Discord is a pretty wholesome place as one might expect with people pitching their suggestions for what the future of the game should look ...
But if the zombie apocalypse didn’t actually involve zombies (or lurkers or infected or whatever it is zombie media calls their zombies these days) and instead involved cats that were turning ...
When Montreal cat behaviour expert Daniel Filion speaks at conferences in Canada and France, he often gets asked the same question: Do our cats love us? Mr. Filion, who founded the company ...
Many animals in the ocean look and act alike, even if they are not too closely related. The porpoise and beluga whale are two such creatures that, depending on species, can look very similar or ...
Then there are scam NFT swaps. In these cases hackers target people actively looking to trade their NFTs. They reach out to them, usually via Discord or Twitter, and engage in “trade talks”. Then they ...