The near-extinction of India’s vultures due to diclofenac poisoning triggered an ecological and public health crisis. As ...
Europe's largest vulture species, once on the brink of extinction due to human activity, is now making a remarkable comeback, thanks to decades of conservation efforts. According to IFLScience ...
Dried and smoked, vulture brains are also thought to provide visions of the future. The birds’ own prospects are bleak. Six of eight species in the country are endangered. Still, the biggest ...
A new assessment highlights an increased extinction risk among some of the continent’s vulture species. “Vultures and other birds play a critical role in maintaining healthy ecosystems,” said Simon ...
According to a recent study published in Nature Ecology & Evolution, South Africa’s nine vulture species’ biggest threats ...
What are the major vulture species found in Madhya Pradesh? Madhya Pradesh is home to seven out of the nine vulture species found in India. These include four resident species, the Indian Long ...
The fledgling will be released into the wild once it's old enough, as part of an effort to boost dwindling buzzard numbers in ...
Conservationists at Vulpro, Africa's only vulture-focused conservation organisation, are celebrating the sighting of over 80 wild Cape Vultures on a farm just 40 kilometres outside Mountain Zebra ...
Cape vultures observed scavenging off a naturally predated carcass for the first time sparks optimism for the future of the species through ongoing conservation efforts. The unmistakable stench of ...