OnlyFans parent Fenix International Limited has been fined by a UK regulator for failing to provide accurate information ...
Many Americans prioritize convenience over security, with one-third willing to sacrifice protection for faster logins.
Oz Forensics is the independent private vendor of robust, technology-based, and AI-powered liveness detection and face-matching solutions founded in 2017 and headquartered in Dubai, UAE. We confirm ...
Wearable mobile health technology could help people with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) to stick to exercise regimes that help them to keep the condition under control, a new study reveals.
Patients following home-based physical activity programmes benefit from wearing a smartwatch paired with a health app on their smartphone.
India has established seven Joint Cyber Coordination Teams (JCCTs) to combat cybercrime hotspots across the country, marking a significant expansion of the nation’s cybersecurity infrastructure. The ...