However, just because one brand works for someone else doesn’t mean it will work for you. It’s not uncommon for people to change the types or doses of birth control pills several times before ...
Five brands of IUDs approved by the Food and Drug ... are more effective at preventing pregnancies than other forms of birth control besides sterilization. Overall, IUDs are more than 99% ...
Others, also called fertility apps, family planning apps, or birth control apps, help you understand ovulation and when you’re most likely to get pregnant. If you want to get pregnant ...
Nov. 8, 2023 — Using birth control pills and other hormone-based contraceptives is known to elevate the risk of blood clots, but a new study suggests that this risk largely goes away within two ...
These IUDs are effective for three to eight years, depending on which brand is used. The copper IUD (Paragard, Miudella) releases a tiny amount of copper and is immediately effective. Paragard (but ...
People who use birth control but want to become pregnant typically have questions about when they'll be fertile again. The answers will likely depend on the method you use and your overall health ...
As editor in chief of Evie, a women’s publication opposed to what she calls “modern” feminism, Mrs. Hugoboom has been accused ...
You may have heard that some birth control methods are linked to cancer. If you spend some time online, you'll probably find more than a handful of contradicting reports saying some types cause cancer ...
The best method of birth control will depend on individual needs and preferences. Methods vary widely in terms of reliability, ease of use, permanence, and other factors. Deciding on a birth ...
This petition, which lobbies for more birth control options and better coverage, should be taken seriously by the University. The Eagle is very happy to see that the Student Health Center added two ...