Boeing seeks to withdraw its guilty plea agreement with the Department of Justice in the criminal cases surrounding two ...
Boeing ( NYSE: BA) is attempting to reverse a previous agreement to plead guilty in a high-profile criminal case tied to ...
In November 1976, the United Arab Emirates was on a date with the birth of the Emirates News Agency, as a news and knowledge ...
(法新社纽约24日电) 「华尔街日报」今天报导,航空巨擘波音公司(Boeing)正试图推翻一项与两起波音737 MAX致命空难有关的认罪协议。波音737 MAX客机2018年和2019年在印尼及衣索比亚发生两起致命空难,造成346人死亡。
(华盛顿25日讯)波音公司(Boeing)试图推翻与美国政府就737 ...
Boeing Co. wants to withdraw a deal with US prosecutors to plead guilty to misleading regulators prior to two deadly crashes ...
Boeing is reportedly seeking to withdraw its guilty plea related to a criminal fraud charge following two deadly 737 MAX ...
Boeing is seeking to withdraw an earlier agreement to plead guilty in a long-running criminal case that blamed the company ...
The newspaper, citing several unnamed sources, said the aviation giant was hoping for "more lenient treatment" from the ...
Boeing agreed to plead guilty to a criminal fraud conspiracy charge in the wake of two fatal 737 MAX crashes. The planemaker ...
Boeing is seeking to withdraw an agreement to plead guilty in a criminal case that blamed the company for deceiving ...