Bonobo apes are very similar to the more widely recognized chimpanzees—a smaller species ... All you need to do is watch this video of a baby Bonobo finding her best angles and smiling for ...
Though very close in genetic relationship and virtually next-door neighbors, chimpanzees and a less-well-known species called bonobos in Zaire are socially poles apart. Only identified as a ...
Though very close in genetic relationship and virtually next-door neighbors, chimpanzees and a less-well-known species called bonobos in Zaire are socially poles apart. Only identified as a ...
However, bonobos also often had sex more after fights to repair social relations, while in these circumstances, chimpanzees were more likely to use other social behaviors, with clearer signals, to ...
But humans aren’t the only ones with coping strategies. Our closest primate relatives, bonobos and chimpanzees, also navigate social tension in pretty surprising ways. Bonobos, often seen as the ...
De Waal again: “The chimpanzee resolves sexual issues ... one was a bush baby, and three were monkeys. Bonobos preying on other primates: “This is a regular part of the bonobo diet,” Hohmann ...
Humans share this behavioural strategy with our closest living ape relatives – bonobos and chimpanzees. Now researchers, led by Durham University, UK, have undertaken what is thought to be one ...
An international team of scientists has found that bonobos and chimpanzees, our genetic cousins, use sexual behaviors to manage social tensions, resolve disagreements, and foster group cohesion.