These popular succulents come in many varieties. Haworthia fasciata, commonly called a zebra plant, grows in a striped ...
Warmer weather brings higher levels of humidity. These power plants don’t just look lovely but also help to keep your homes ...
Pet owners choosing houseplants need to be aware of which ones are safe for their animals. Some popular choices, including ...
In our area, the time to prepare beds for planting ferns is in the spring since all but the hardiest species die back in our ...
Approximately two million people are living in homes with significant mould issues and the higher temperatures following ...
Boston fern!), but the bird’s nest fern is a true gem. With thick strappy leaves and distinctive black or brown midribs, this bright green fern is a beautiful houseplant that requires less ...
While recently driving through my local Walmart parking lot, I noticed snatches of scorched brown fronds peeking out from ...