Woe to the Callery pear, possibly the most unloved fruit-bearing tree this side of the Garden of Eden. Sales of this Asian ...
In this episode of Growing the Ozarks, host Kelly McGowan of the University of Missouri Extension talks with Springfield ...
Also, while it’s true that a native oak tree, for example, has more to offer as a food source for wildlife, in winter some animals do eat the Bradford pear tree’s small fruits if nothing else ...
But beyond its smell, the tree also poses a threat to an area’s natural environment, according to Dickens. “I would be remiss if I didn’t remind you that Bradford pear is a non-native ...
If your outdoor area carries a faint, fishy odor, it's likely due to the presence of a Callery Pear Tree, more commonly known as the Bradford Pear Tree. Though their delicate white blossoms ...
Flowers and trees are starting to bloom across Ohio, but not all things in bloom are a good thing.The Callery pear tree is starting to bloom across the state and is easy to spot along about any ...
Flowering Trees of the Spring: The harmful truth about the Bradford pear tree A line of Bradford pear trees present an impressive sight on Corporate Drive in North Lumberton. A mirror image is ...