Brazil's Ministry of Integration and Regional ... It contemplates overlapping specific vulnerability layers, such as soil types, terrain slope, GDP per capita, and HDI, among other information.
Brazil is the largest country in South America. It shares a border with 10 different countries, including Venezuela, Colombia and Peru. Its coastline lies alongside the Atlantic Ocean. Brazil is ...
geographer Jurandyr Luciano Sanches Ross rediscovered Brazil as he examined data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) with colleagues from other states. What they found were ...
The next instalment in a series of United Nations climate change conferences will be COP30, taking place in Bélem, Brazil, in ...
released by the Brazilian Geography and Statistics Institute, IBGE. The exact figure is 185.712.000 and represents a 9.5% increase over the last census in 2000. However this was 3% less than the ...
Brazil is the largest country in South America. It shares a border with 10 different countries, including Venezuela, Colombia and Peru. Its coastline lies alongside the Atlantic Ocean. Brazil is ...