CANCELLING school bus services without notice, leaving students and teachers stranded, was the "ultimate line in the sand" ...
ALL buses have stopped running in Newcastle this afternoon after a driver was threatened with a machete attack, the union ...
RTBU’s David Babineau says attacks on drivers are becoming more frequent, calling for stronger security measures, however, ...
Help is on the way for passengers on the Northern Beaches hit hardest by the shortage of articulated ‘bendy’ buses. The Government is addressing the gap in the aging high-capacity bus fleet by moving ...
If you’re ready for a new road to travel, Kinetic is ready for you. For more information, visit ...
Drivers must obtain the S endorsement if they will be driving a vehicle that meets the definition of a school bus, unless exempt under the Operator Licensing and Vehicle Control Regulation. You must ...
A train driver has divided Australians after revealing the insane amount of money new starters can make in one state.
The driver of a school bus in Germany has been seriously injured, and nine children and a supervisor suffered slight injuries ...
However, city officials said they do not have the responsibility for ordering the bus drivers back to work, though the city funds the bus system, such as purchasing buses that travel the routes daily.
The state government will buy dozens of new buses in a bid to end long queues at stops along northern beaches and north shore ...
GoZero Group’s new CEO of manufacturing is already identifying electric bus technology advancements to bring to Australia ...