This course introduces the new technologies that seek to disrupt traditional finance intermediaries, democratize access to financial products for the masses, and offer a variety of entrepreneurial ...
From courses for non-finance executives to mergers and acquisitions, our finance courses are designed to deepen your knowledge and give you the tools for future business success. Learn from ...
Being the heart of business globally, London is a city where innovation, leadership, and strategic thinking all congregate ...
In addition, students must complete a minimum of 60 hours of graduate credits including at least 40 hours of course work. At least 18 of the course credits should ... will end her/his program with a ...
Managers also develop and implement the strategies for the long-term goals of their organization. A bachelor’s degree in finance, accounting, economics, or business administration is the minimum ...
This is a career-focused practical course, which will appeal to those with an understanding ... The Business modules give you a broad understanding of business concepts, models and issues, with a ...