The splashy monarch butterfly only lives about five weeks, but its entire survival is in question due to threats posed by ...
A new study compiling butterfly surveys across the country found a 22% overall decline, while seven species found in Maine ...
A study compiled data from more than 76,000 butterfly surveys across the continental U.S. The declines seen in the last 20 ...
Multiple studies suggest butterflies are disappearing- but why, and what can be done? Here are some possible answers, backed ...
SPRING is almost here and what better way to celebrate than with a floral brainteaser? Test your IQ and your eyesight by ...
The Trump administration said Tuesday that it is reconsidering adding protections to the monarch butterfly as a threatened ...
Just a few years ago, the eastern monarch was considered endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature ...
Mesa Mayor Mark Freeman signed a National Wildlife Federations Mayors' Monarch Pledge on Wednesday in an effort to strengthen ...
One butterfly comes so far, and then it will stop to reproduce, and then the offspring from that monarch will emerge from the ...
These alterations can cause drastic harm to certain species, especially insects. Butterfly populations are disappearing across the United States. Why is this happening, and is it reversible?