No one has a plan to keep the roughly 60,000 renters, more than 15,000 of them in California — from losing their housing after the last dollar is spent.
A $5 billion pot of federal money set aside to help people on the verge of homelessness pay the rent is running out of cash — ...
Landlords have a right to choose who lives in their property, but those rights aren’t absolute.
The Eviction Diversion and Defense Partnership, a local rent assistance program that has provided nearly $26 million in aid to almost 3,000 renter households in Dane County, will be out of funds in ...
The Salvation Army of Decatur continues to be a lifeline for families in need, as highlighted in its 2024 Impact Report.
Merchants on Monk Boulevard in Ville-Émard are concerned that rising rents will push them out of the community they serve.
Funds for a federal rental assistance program — intended to keep the most vulnerable people housed during the COVID-19 pandemic — are drying up faster than expected, potentially leading to thousands ...
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD, recently informed local housing officials not to expect any ...
The Government of Canada is investing more than $278 million to build 764 rental units in Montréal through the Apartment ...
On their congressional recess, an array of lawmakers came to the Eaton fire burn scar this week in an effort to push for more ...
An Afghan father of two is among thousands of newly arrived refugees who lost financial assistance when the Trump ...
Jessica Cody worked as a Walt Disney World cast member. She experienced housing insecurity and slept in her car in the Disney ...