Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom mobile was launched in July 2013. The phone comes with a 4.30-inch touchscreen display offering a resolution of 560x960 pixels at a pixel density of 256 pixels per inch (ppi).
Make the most of winter's skygazing sights with a monocular, a portable alternative to a telescope or binoculars. We've rounded up the best for all budgets and purposes. When you purchase through ...
PRECISION INSTRUMENT: Designed for gems, jewelry, coins, stamps, rocks, watches, hobbies, antiques, models, photos industry, etc. JARLINK jeweler's loop makes it ...
So if you're going to carry something extra, it's really got to be worth bringing with you. That can be a great optical zoom, ultra-rugged build quality, and even 35mm film or instant film prints! But ...
The best bridge camera combines the convenience of a compact camera with the zoom of a telephoto lens and the ergonomics of a DSLR. In fact they look and feel pretty similar to a DSLR, but they have a ...
The R5II is packed with a back-illuminated 45-megapixel stacked CMOS sensor equipped with the Digic X processor with a new addition of Digic Accelerator. The Digic Accelerator helps with faster ...