"Am I settling for an underpowered GPU?", "Should I spend the premium on that fancy motherboard?", and "Is it finally time to ...
综合来看,小米13的CPU爆裂事件不仅是一次产品风险的体现,也深刻反映出手机行业在产品研发和制造过程中所面临的挑战。基于深度学习和AI技术的不断突破,手机行业的技术革新已经成为不可逆转的趋势。对于整个手机市场而言, 物料成本的控制 和 技术创新 将成为各大品牌持续争夺市场份额的关键。
Whether you're an avid gamer or you need to process lots of data, having a fast CPU can make all the difference. They're ...
ROG幻X 2025是一款二合一性质的平板笔记本,机身重量1.2kg,正面是一块13.4英寸的星云屏,支持10点触控。 屏幕分辨率为2560*1600、支持180Hz高刷、3mm响应时间、500nit亮度、拥有100%的DCI-P3色域。
Beyond a point, an obsolete CPU starts losing support for modern features that can contribute to gaming performance. In ...
What is the best CPU cooler? There’s a diverse range of CPU coolers that cater to both casual users and PC gaming enthusiasts. For most home users, the key criteria of a good CPU cooler are that ...
More than seven years ago, cybersecurity researchers were thoroughly rattled by the discovery of Meltdown and Spectre, two ...
Infinix on Thursday launched the Note 50x 5G+ smartphone for the budget segment buyers in India. The Infinix Note 50x 5G+ is ...
现在这款英特尔13490F CPU盒装在天猫精选的活动售价很诱人。其原价为719元,在活动中,下单领取满500元减40元优惠券,下单1件后,实付低至679元。这个价格能让你以实惠的价格将这款性能优秀的CPU带回家,对于想要升级电脑或者组装新电脑的用户来说是个不错的选择。
Lockheed Martin has developed a new onboard payload processor for the US Space Force's (USSF) Mobile User Objective System ...
IT之家 3 月 26 日消息,当地时间 3 月 25 日,华擎发布了一份有关 AMD 平台无法启动和 CPU 损坏事件的最新调查报告,IT之家翻译如下: 我们注意到某些 BIOS 版本在搭配特定锐龙 9000 系列处理器时会出现随机性的无法开机问题 ...