In Portugal, a dinosaur skeleton over 190 million years old was discovered. It is one of the oldest finds of its kind in the ...
The study is inspired by nature, mimicking how coral and mollusks create their shells. The process replaces the biological energy used by organisms with electrical energy to drive chemical reactions ...
Formed by centuries of erosion and sandstorms, these unique snow-white calcium rock formations crop up across the landscape ...
One of the most common chemicals connected to calcium is called “carbonate”, and together they make calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate is in eggshells, seashells, a rock called marble, and in ...
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body, yet most supplements on the market come from ground-up rocks – a material never intended for human consumption. While consumers are demanding ...
3| Immediately transfer the calcium phosphate–DNA suspension into the medium above the cell monolayer. Use 0.1 ml of suspension for each 1 ml of medium in a well or 60-mm dish. Rock the plate or ...