Why pick between pizza and burgers for dinner when you could just combine them? For the best of both foods, try these pizza toppings on your next hamburger.
Canada might share a lot with the U.S., but the cuisine diverges. Here are the Canadian dishes you should try to get a taste ...
The owner and chef at Lupa Pizza in the UK dislike pineapple so much they're charging an extraordinary amount for a Hawaiian pizza. Credit: Lupa Pizza Lupa Pizza in the English city of Norwich has ...
As explained in the entry on Hawaiian pizza in The Canadian Encyclopaedia, the creation of the Hawaiian pizza came after Panopoulos opened the Satellite Restaurant with his brothers Elias and ...
People who prefer their pizza peppered with pineapples will have to pay a pretty penny for the pleasure at a pizzeria in Norwich, England.
Pizza with pineapple, usually paired with slices of ham or bacon, is generally known ... has no interest in apologizing to Canadians. Canadian friends of the Hawaiian, this goes out to you.
The store, which sells pizzas for between £10 and £17, has introduced a unique pricing strategy for customers who dare to order a Hawaiian pizza. For the "privilege" of having pineapple on their ...
Pineapple on pizza, a crucial topping to Hawaiian pizza, has long been a controversial add-on to pies. (Photo by Angelika Warmuth/picture alliance via Getty Images) ...
Lupa Pizza has been all over the news and TV headlines this week for its decision to charge customers a whopping £100 for a Hawaiian pizza. Its owners said it was because they wanted to offer their ...
A major pizza chain is offering people across Norwich £1 pizzas after a local story hit the international press. Lupa Pizza has been all over the news and TV headlines this week for its ...