makes about 25,000 Canadian flags for the federal government and 10,000 more for other customers and uses what is typically the slow winter season to build up inventory leading up to Canada Day on ...
Jared Polis said in the release. “Raising the Canadian flag today is symbolic of our friendship, showing that when we work together, even in challenging times, we grow our economy and make the ...
Canadian flags are flying proudly in Nanaimo's Maffeo Sutton Park as threats to annex Canada by United States leadership are met with defiance across the country. The flagpoles at the park usually ...
Canadian flags are flying proudly in Nanaimo's Maffeo Sutton Park as threats to annex Canada by United States leadership are met with defiance across the country. The flagpoles at the park usually ...
15 to celebrate the inauguration of Canada’s flag. Minister of Canadian Heritage Pascale St-Onge said in a statement how “public displays of national pride have become more prominent ...