The new Canon EOS R5 Mark II has not one, but three official Canon battery grips made specifically for it. So is the Canon BG ...
I'm a sports photography fan and this day-in-the-life of an LA Chargers team photographer is a real eye-opener. Go Bolts!!!!
Enjoy viewing the photos for this week's Daily Theme entries, and see the selected photo honoured as the overall weekly pick.
佳能EOS R8全画幅微单相机,天猫国际官方直营,活动售价10459元。现在购买可享受满1件打9.5折的优惠,实付只需8273.55元。这款相机是全画幅系列中最轻的一款,具备40张每秒高速连拍、预拍摄、智能眼部识别追踪与6K超采无裁切4K60P视频等功能。