Imagine if we could find a way to capture the greenhouse gases that are warming our planet. One way to do this is carbon ...
Here are a couple of ways that the ocean can play a larger role in carbon removal: • Ocean Fertilization is where nutrients like iron are added to specific areas of the ocean to boost ...
AMF community structure in soil and roots had a different response to long-term fertilization. Application of manure had a greater impact on AMF community structure in soil, whereas application of ...
Methanotrophic Bacteria Methanotrophs might be small, but they pack a powerful punch when it comes to turning methane, a ...
In most fields, corn residue remaining after grain harvest is incorporated into the soil with tillage or is left on the soil surface. But corn residue is also becoming a commodity. It’s ...
Reducing sulphur in the air may inadvertently increase natural emissions of methane from wetlands such as peatlands and swamps, a new study has found. The resulting additional future release of 20-34 ...
The University of Washington conducted a study that offers more support to this claim, arguing that whale excrement holds ...
Rising carbon dioxide levels affect more than just the climate; they also affect the chemistry of the oceans. When saltwater absorbs carbon dioxide, it becomes acidic, which alters the aquatic animal ...
First, it must obviously contain an embryo, the future plant, resulting from the union of the two sex cells during fertilization: the sperm brought by the pollen grain and the oosphere, the female ...