Credit card skimmers are devices thieves install onto credit card readers that can read and steal your credit card data. You ...
AMAG Javelin S874 is a smart card reader without keypad for integrated access contro... AMAG Javelin S874-EX-KP smart card reader AMAG Javelin S874-EX-KP is a smart card reader with keypad designed ...
CEM RDR/611/10X is a card reader with LCD display, keypad and onboard database. CEM SPASS-IPO-2X0-B access control reader with LCD display CEM SPASS-IPO-2X0-B is a access control reader with LCD ...
He removes an overlay keypad from the factory setup. He then focuses on the card skimmer. After sliding a small screwdriver into the seam above the reader, he pries the fake reader off the machine.