In an exhibition spanning four floors, the artist visualizes her frusrations and, in doing so, ensures it’s her voice we hear ...
Dover Township supervisor candidate Matt Mann pulls his number to determine his ballot position in the five-person race for two seats.
The county’s Board of Elections took a little less than an hour to set ballot orders for this year's municipal primary.
A Pennsylvania woman believes the $12 drawing she purchased at an antique store could be an original Pierre-Auguste Renoir ...
A naked, muscled youth appears to rocket into space in Sadao Hasegawa’s That Floating Feeling (1980). His body throbs magenta ...
While current AI capabilities remain below catastrophic thresholds, the paper highlights the steep acceleration in model risk ...
Google finally added people to its Pixel Studio, but are the limitations enough to keep it from becoming the best image ...
Magic, art or science? Film photography blurs the lines between these categories and creates permanent images from nothing ...
A Mrs Casters meticulously jotted down 160 recipes in the 229-year-old book as well as the details of her extensive list of ...
The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly changed how students and teachers spend their time in the classroom. Now, instead of ...
A Pennsylvania woman paid $12 for artwork that could be an original piece by French impressionist Pierre-Auguste Renoir.
"Democrats are struggling with how and when to resist President Donald Trump’s agenda. And it doesn’t help their cause that Trump is unifying ...