Researchers Discover Paleolithic Cave Art Dated 66,000 Years Ago, Reveal Neanderthals to Be the ‘First Artists' Painting from ...
These early artists decorated walls of caves with delicate, dramatic animal paintings. The multicolored cascades of prey and predator animals -- bison, deer, bears, cattle, mammoths, and reindeer ...
Ice-age children are behind some unusual drawings in the Las Monedas Cave in Spain, a new study claims. Here & Now ‘s Peter O ...
It is the oldest known example of “figurative” cave art in the world. Figurative artwork refers to art that depicts animals, humans, or objects from real life; they are not abstract.
THE discovery during the War of prehistoric paintings in the Lascaux Caves near Montignac in south-western France is of the highest interest. A large pine tree had blown down, and some French boys ...