Sin City Deciples leader Ronnie Major, 54, decided to maintain his guilty plea after demanding it be withdrawn in August.
Democrats said the order will be fought in the courts and in Congress, and they urged Republicans to join them in opposition.
With another year of Nebraska high school basketball in the record books, Northeast Nebraska can claim something it didn’t ...
Senate Enrolled Act 74 takes Lifeline Law protections a step further by granting legal immunity to the person for whom ...
Our goal is to promptly correct errors. To report corrections and clarifications, contact: Phone: (515) 284-8065Email: [email protected] Describe the error, where you saw it, the date and the ...
When a high profile judge commissions Jack Irish to locate a mysterious red book, Jack is thrown into a world of sexy club owners, drug dealers and unhinged killers. (Movie 3 of 3) (2013) Preview: ...