Research from St. Olaf College and the University of Denver, published in Current Biology, found that a parasitic fly in Hawaii has evolved to eavesdrop on the mating calls of Pacific field crickets.
Warmer weather will be here before you know it. This year, if you want to avoid fruit flies or any annoying pests in your kitchen at all costs, follow these tips. Preventing the problem before it ...
Founded in the UK in 2003, for the last 10 years Fly has been operating in the mobile phone markets of Russia, Ukraine, India, Southern Europe and the CIS. The company that started out with feature ...
The red-and-white flag of America’s northern neighbor was lifted over the state Capitol on Saturday in recognition of Colorado-Canada Friendship Day. Colorado exported $1.8 billion in trade ...
Self-making compost from kitchen scraps is fun, but fruit flies attracted to your home by the foul odors from decomposed ingredients aren't. To keep these insects at bay, it’s important to use the ...
Sky News has visited the iceberg, known as A-23-a, which it's feared could break into city sized chunks, and block access to feed for the region's animals.
Rockstar Games recently released the brand new GTA Online Oscar Guzman Flies Again DLC update. Not only did it add a brand new McKenzie Field Hangar, but it also increased the total number of ...
Researchers in Japan have found that flies fed excessive amounts of caffeine generally die within seven days, a discovery that could lead to the development of insecticides that are less harmful to ...
The growing trend is changing how people fly to Europe. Smaller jets can be cozier and boast competitive fares due to their cheaper costs, and their fewer passengers mean faster boarding and ...
One passenger on the P&O Iona told Sky News "people have been dropping like flies", with "a large number" of guests and staff experiencing symptoms. "People [were] throwing up in restaurants ...