And by the end of the year, the population stood at 1.408 billion, Beijing's National Bureau of Statistics said -- down from 1.410 billion in 2023. But the decline was less sharp than the previous ...
China has been keen to slow population growth for several years. A larger population equals more mouths to feed, more houses and jobs required and a greater demand on schools and hospitals.
China's aging population will have a direct impact on its ability to compete with the US and other nations on the world stage, according to a report from consultancy firm Terry Group. The latest ...
HONG KONG – China will “actively” respond to population ageing with policies for its rapidly growing elderly and its young people, including providing childcare subsidies and making ...
Births in China could drop below 8 million this year, setting a record low and further clouding the country’s gloomy demographic outlook, according to a leading medical academic. “The expected ...