Newswatch 16's Mackenzie Aucker stopped by the Wesley United Methodist Church in Bloomsburg to see their effort.
The first international mission trip for an eastern Kentucky bivocational pastor proved to be an eye-opening experience.
After moving back to Dayton from Buffalo, New York, the Pierce family landed in Grove City as Mark took a job as a chaplain ...
Lake Hamilton Baptist Church, 5963 Central Ave., recently announced its collaboration with The CALL to collect pajamas, diapers and other items for infants in the foster care system.
Threefold Widows Ministry held their first ever fashion show, "Threads of Hope", on Saturday in support of their mission to ...
Six months after Hurricane Helene hit the region, the Riverside Community Church of Jesus, with the help of volunteers, is ...
LAURENS COUNTY, Ga. — A Laurens County church group, the Laurens Baptist Association, are getting ready to go help Hurricane ...
The Right Revd Anthony Poggo, Secretary General of the Anglican Communion is pictured with The Right Revd Nathan Ingen, ...
The Right Revd Anthony Poggo, Secretary General of the Anglican Communion (centre), is pictured with The Most Revd Geoffrey ...
The pastor warned the mission team they might not verbally share the gospel with Central Asians during their partnership with ...
Correll came up with a “Judgment House” featuring a wrecked airplane fuselage protruding from the back of the church.
An interview question during Costen Cooley’s application process to the Air Force Academy remains seared in his mind.