Current local time in Chuuk (Pacific/Chuuk timezone). Get information about the Pacific/Chuuk time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current time ...
A 'ghost' island that suddenly appeared in the Caspian Sea in early 2023 is playing a centuries-long game of peekaboo with scientists, and it's about to vanish once again – if it hasn't already ...
A series of images from NASA's Landsat 8 and Landsat 9 satellites have captured the island's appearance in the sea and its near-complete disappearance by the end of the following year. Satellite ...
Eagle-eyed geologist Mark Tingay recently noticed the emergence of a ‘ghost island’ in November of 2024, caused by a submarine mud volcano called Kumani Bank. Satellites show that the island ...