One Arizona city was ranked among the top 20 small towns you must see around the world. See which city made the list and what ...
Ellis Partners, the owners of Town and Country, heavily opposes a condominium project plan from The Stormland Group, which ...
Read the threats to Noblesville officials before controversial Morse Village vote obtained by IndyStar in freedom of information request.
SWANTON VILLAGE — The primary focus for Swanton Village residents this Town Meeting Day is the proposed village electric ...
The masterplan for a proposed new Edinburgh village has been unveiled, showing more detailed plans for the massive 54 hectares site.
Hide away for a weekend in this cozy, quiet New York Catskills village. Explore the region's art scene, natural landscapes, ...
Tourism has been an economic boon to the region and a headache for village residents. A proposed plan for a linear park has ...
The expenditure was approved by council Feb. 25, after the Municipal Development District board approved the contracts Feb. 6 ...
North Peoria residents gathered to seek answers about the massive industrial complex Amkor Technology will soon develop near ...
At a town hall meeting on Feb. 13, officials from Wessler Engineering, the EPA, Montgomery County Public Health, Montgomery ...
What is the most serious issue your community will face in the coming years and how should the village board respond to it?