London: Children under eight should not drink slushy ice drinks containing glycerol, researchers have warned after a string of hospitalisations in the UK and Ireland. The brightly coloured drinks ...
Glycerol is a naturally occurring alcohol and sugar substitute which helps slush drinks maintain their texture by preventing liquid from freezing solid. In the UK, slush drinks – also known as ...
Parents are being warned about the potential dangers of glycerol-containing slush ice drinks after more than 20 children became "acutely" ill. Doctors say public health advice on the safe ...
Getty At least 21 children were hospitalized over the last 15 years in the U.K. and Ireland after drinking slush ice drinks containing glycerol, according to a new study. The Archives of Disease ...
The FSA recommends slushie consumption is limited to no more than one per day for children aged between five and 10 years, ITV News Correspondent Carrie Davis explains Children under the age of ...
Scientists have warned that children should not drink 'slushy' ice drinks containing one potentially dangerous ingredient until they are at least eight years old. Slushies containing the sweetener ...
Parents are being warned to “avoid” giving slushies to children under the age of eight that contain the sweetening agent glycerol, according to researchers. It comes as a study highlighted a number of ...
Parents are being warned to “avoid” giving slushies to children under the age of eight that contain the sweetening agent glycerol, according to researchers. It comes as a study highlighted ...
It does not necessarily reflect the view of The Herald. Parents are being warned to “avoid” giving slushies to children under the age of eight that contain the sweetening agent glycerol, according to ...
It does not necessarily reflect the view of The Herald. Parents are being warned to “avoid” giving slushies to children under the age of eight that contain the sweetening agent glycerol ...