The reintroduction of majestic species at Shimba Hills National Reserve, located in Kwale County on the south coast of Kenya, will address challenges posed by low faunal diversity and boost coastal ...
The Viking Sky Cruise Ship is the fourth to arrive at the coastal city since the start of the cruise ship season in September ...
Hoteliers and tourism players in Naivasha and its environs have reported a tourism windfall and brisk business fortunes due ...
located in Kwale County on the south coast of Kenya, will address challenges posed by low faunal diversity and boost coastal tourism profile and nationwide wildlife conservation efforts ...
Swahili Beach Resort, an iconic luxury destination on the Kenyan coast, has been honored as ... company’s outstanding contribution to Kenya’s tourism industry and highlights its role as ...
Coastal tourism in Africa is projected to surpass 100 billion U.S. dollars in value by 2030, creating 28 million jobs, noted Victor Shitakha, board chairman for Kenya Coast Tourism Association.
The Serengeti ecosystem is regarded as one of our planet’s greatest natural treasures, where one can witness “the largest ...
Études caribéennes, No. 9/10, Le tourisme dans les îles et littoraux tropicaux et subtropcaux (Avril-Août 2008), pp. 238-249 (12 pages) Tourism in marine and coastal areas is a complex phenomenon.