In vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM) is able to demonstrate the characteristic corneal and conjunctival anatomy in vivo at the cellular level. Normal corneal innervation and cell distribution ...
OKYO Pharma has filed a Fast Track designation application for urcosimod in the treatment of neuropathic corneal pain.
The remaining three patients were suspected of having corneal viral infections based on their medical history and the observation of corneal pathology using a slit lamp microscope. To prevent further ...
In many cases, examination with an ophthalmoscope may be enough to diagnose a corneal abrasion. If not, the specialist can take a closer look at your eyes with a lighted microscope called a slit lamp ...
而体内角膜共聚焦显微镜(In vivo corneal confocal microscopy,IVCCM)技术,能像 “透视眼” 一样,在亚临床阶段就发现神经损伤,是评估 DPN 的可靠 “帮手”。为了弄清楚二甲双胍对糖尿病患者角膜神经免疫到底有何影响,来自澳大利亚新南威尔士大学等机构的研究 ...
Purpose: Corneal infections are a leading cause of visual impairment and blindness worldwide. Here we applied high-resolution transcriptomic profiling to assess the general and pathogen-specific ...
Eye injuries that damage the cornea are usually irreversible and cause blindness. But a new clinical trial has repaired this damage in patients thanks to a transplant of stem cells from their ...
The OHSU Casey Eye Institute Cornea Division doctors are board-certified and fellowship trained specialists in the diagnosis, treatment and management of corneal conditions – including corneal ...