It can be hard to tell a scratched cornea (corneal abrasion) from pink eye (also known as conjunctivitis) as they have similar symptoms, such as eye redness, tearing, and sensitivity to light. Though ...
OKYO Pharma has filed a Fast Track designation application for urcosimod in the treatment of neuropathic corneal pain.
The cornea is the transparent frontmost layer of the eye that both protects it and helps us see clearly by focusing light on ...
Corneal disease is the primary cause of visual loss in allergic eye disease. It occurs almost exclusively in vernal keratoconjunctivitis and atopic keratoconjunctivitis. It is characterized by ...
Five years from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous academic studies have shown how the novel coronavirus affects ocular health.
in patients aged 18 years and older with neuropathic corneal pain (eg, symptoms of neuropathic corneal pain for at least 3 months, positive in vivo confocal microscopy findings [decreased nerve ...
DOCTORS found parasites burrowed into a woman's cornea after she made a common mistake while swimming in a pool. Maureen Cronin first thought she had an eyelash stuck in her eye, but the pain ...
Discover the critical glaucoma symptoms you shouldn't ignore before turning 40, from blurry vision to eye pain and halos around lights - save your sight.
Ocular surface discomfort can be problematic after cataract surgery. Italian researchers tested the use of cyclosporine A 0.1 ...