Amrita Arora's friends and industry colleagues have also dropped sweet messages in the comments box. Actor Rahul Khanna came up with a LOL wish. It read, “Happy birthday, Amuuuuuu!!! (Muting your ...
This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Music company says debut track, Til the Nights Done, is the first of many on the way under a label the young Trudeau co ...
Here’s the birthday message of Toni Gonzaga for her sister Alex. Actress-host Toni Gonzaga dedicates a post to her sister Alex Gonzaga’s birthday and here’s her message for her. People give messages ...
Today's new co-anchor Craig Melvin may have a very early start to his day (3:45 a.m. to be exact), but he always makes time to send a sweet message to his children as he heads to work.