As the forest changes, the deer change their trails. If a big tree falls, the deer travel around it. They don’t usually go ...
We’ve all got busy schedules, so when it comes to maximizing our shed-hunting efforts, it’s natural to ask, When do deer shed their antlers? And, ideally, we'd like as precise an answer as ...
I think that the best place to look for shed antlers is to hunt where deer, especially bucks, were feeding back in January. Good locations would be any agricultural fields such as corn ...
In doing so I would take a detour through my nearby deer woods in search of some unburied treasure, namely shed antlers. Despite just over an hour of patiently walking while carefully scanning the ...
a shed antler is visible and ripe for the taking. Mike Hanback As you hike, veer over and hit every east- and south-facing exposure, especially weedy fields and hillsides that are open to plenty of ...
That’s what many wildlife watchers and deer hunters want to know as winter ends. Did the buck they were watching make it through the season? Finding an antler can answer that question.
Buck, a 12-year-old wire fox terrier, has a knack for finding shed antlers in the woods and fields near his home in Unionville, Pennsylvania. Buck has found approximately 35-40 antlers, mostly ...