When the deal closes, UEG's gross production in Egypt in 2024 will reach 39,000 boe/d, putting the company among the top 10 ...
Several international booking sites, such as TripAdvisor, have ranked Egypt as one of the most important destinations for safari tourism. This is due to its stunning colorful deserts and mountainous ...
Egypt has experienced rapid population growth in recent decades. Between 1986 to 2018, the number of people in the country ...
Once vassals to pharaohs, the Kushite kings of Nubia took control of Egypt for almost a century. Embracing Egyptian rituals, ...
As per PetMD, the Pharaoh Hound is a graceful, sleek breed that is native to the deserts of Egypt. With its lean body and muscular frame, the Pharaoh Hound was originally bred to hunt small game in ...
While God performs awesome miracles, He apparently also balances them with as many “natural” causes as possible. This is ...
‘As against all this, the Torah uses the word ויהי, an expression of sorrow, and what caused it? That Pharoah sent the people ...
To add more intrigue, during the 2019 Raising Kratos documentary for God of War (2018), creator Cory Barlog revealed that his initial pitch for the series was Kratos wandering through the deserts of ...
Deserts are home to various snake species that have adapted to survive extreme conditions, from the highly venomous Inland Taipan in Australia to the colorful and non-venomous Thornscrub Hook-Nose ...
To ensure successful operation in harsh desert conditions, the Velaro has been specially adapted for Egypt, with specific modifications to combat sand, dust and extreme heat to offer both high levels ...