During the Democratic primary, Biden promised to beat Donald Trump “like a ... he’ll fall into yet another Dewey parallel. In the days before the election, Harry Truman accused his opponent ...
When David Frum and other Never Trump conservatives were rooting for then-Vice President Kamala Harris in the 2024 election, ...
Truman’s stunning ... a model Trump would never embrace. Dewey, unlike Trump, sought to minimize controversy and avoided specific policy pronouncements, once telling an aide “When you ...
1948 - Truman runs against Thomas E. Dewey, the Republican nominee in the 1948 presidential election. The scientific pollsters, including George Gallup, all predicted that Dewey would beat Truman.
Top of the list is Donald Trump who is estimated to be worth a whopping ... the poorest US president to enter office was Harry S. Truman, who had America's top job for eight years between 1945-1953.
Of these, 332 were for Dewey, 84 for Truman, 20 for Wallace, 19 for Thomas, 2 for Thurmond, and 23 undecided. This result represents a striking turnabout from the elections of 1936 and 1940 ...
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3, 1948 (UPI) --Governor Thomas E. Dewey conceded today that President Truman had been elected in the closest presidential race in 32 years. Truman with big electoral lead ...
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3, 1948 (UPI) --Governor Thomas E. Dewey conceded today that President Truman had been elected in the closest presidential race in 32 years. Truman with big electoral lead ...