Can you feel it? There is a palpable dread that the ruling class, which owns financial and industrial capital, will continue ...
Foster takes no such quasi-religious position. Marx and Engels were not prophets, but ‘it is the method of materialist dialectics that is Marx and Engels’s chief legacy to us today as we confront the ...
If we truly wish to understand and apply Marx's insights today, we must reject the rigid dogmas that later 'Marxists' imposed in his name.' ...
All of this is a kind of superstition, an algorithmic animism whereby human properties are attributed to the functions of ...
At a time when most Marxist theoreticians adhered to a form of determinism, he put forward a nuanced understanding of historical development, emphasizing the significant role of independent traditions ...
Founded in 1869 by a Prussian (August Bebel) and a Hessian pacifist (Wilhelm Liebknecht), the SPD is still doctrinally Marxist, making much ado about dialectics, red flags and the greeting ...